

We can bind documents with as few as 30 sheets of A4 paper.
We can bind up to 500 pages, if you have more than 500 we would recommend splitting your document into multiple volumes, and binding each volume separately.
We have several colours for your thesis cover.
We are sorry to inform you that, it is not possible as this material is imported so it takes few months after order.


If you would like to send your thesis to us and arrange return postage or courier delivery, please telephone us first for a quotation.


We accept payment in cash. If you cannot visit our shop, you can deposit the amount to our bank account through online payment transfer or even with the help of Core Banking offered by State Bank of India (SBI).

Opening Time

MONDAY TO FRIDAY – 11:00 A.M TO 6.30 P.M. SATURDAY – 11:00 A.M TO 5.00 P.M.
We require two full working days; for example, if we receive your work before we close on Monday, we will print and bind on Tuesday and Wednesday and it will be ready for collection or delivery on Thursday morning.